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This page contains answers to some of the questions we regularly hear new mums asking.


Is Aquanatal worth going to? 

100% in addition to the wellbeing aspects of Aquanatal it’s a great place to meet new mum friends ahead of your little one’s arrival. 


Can I buy my pram and cot etc. locally?

Yes, Jacs in Ramsey has a large selection of baby essentials and also a super quick delivery service. There are also some great deals to be had on local baby Facebook group: Baby And Toddler Items Buy And Sell IOM 


Can I get a private NIPT on the Isle of Man?

Yes, Jen at Scan Sanctuary offers this service.  See the Bump page. 


Can I get a 4D scan on the Isle of Man?

Yes, Jen at Scan Sanctuary offers this service. See the Bump page. 


Can I do NCT on the Isle of Man?

Not currently. However,  the hospital runs an online parenting class and a new Dad class ahead of you giving birth. Your midwife will provide you with the information for these courses. 


Is there anywhere to do a Hypnobirthing course on the Isle of Man?

Yes, there are quite a few options of Hypnobirthing courses on the Island such as ​​Helen Garbett – Blossom & Nurture, Setanta Hypnotherapy or JustBe Hypnobirthing


Can I have a waterbirth on the Isle of Man?

Yes, The Jane has two birthing pools.


Infant Feeding Team

Call 01624 811837 for questions regarding feeding if you didn’t get a chance to talk to your Health Visitor or Midwife. Questions such as how to prepare for breastfeeding, colostrum harvesting, getting off to the best start. Women/birthing people of all gestations of pregnancy are welcome, however they suggest feeding advice is most helpful after 34 weeks. 



  • Jurby and Northern Community Initiatives, Ballmeanagh Road, Jurby - Friday 10:00 - 11:30

  • Central Community Health Centre (CCHC), Westmoreland Road, Douglas - Wednesday 13:00 - 14:30

  • Southern Community Initiatives, Thie Rosien, Castletown Road, Port Erin - Thursday 10:00 - 11:30.


Breastfeeding Support Groups - Breastfeeding Buddies Drop-in Clinic:

Every Thursday 09:30 to 11:30 at St Johns Ambulance HQ, Glencrutchery Road, IM2 6BG

Every Friday (term time) 13:00 - 14:00 at Andreas School, Andreas, IM7 4EZ

You can attend these sessions even if you are not breastfeeding. They are a good support network for all women/birthing people who are feeding their babies. 

Isle of Man Government Information page:


Is there a class available for new dads? 

Daddy Baby Care classes are aimed at dads and those who identify as dads to learn about parenting. The sessions aim to prepare dads for the birth of their baby and to feel more confident in their parenting skills. Their partner must be around 36 weeks pregnant when they attend but can book sessions from when their partner is 32 weeks.

Sessions are bookable via email


Is there a class available for new parents? 

Parent Education Workshop (ParentCraft) resources (presentations, videos) will now be accessible online so that new parents can get immediate access to the information they need any day, any time.

All of the topics in the current programme will be covered and signposting will be available so that parents can get in touch with any questions they may have.This new format will be reviewed regularly and feedback is welcome. If provision becomes available, face-to-face education sessions will be reinstated - if this is what service users would like. Manx Care has assured that if you have a particular need for face-to-face education this will be facilitated and you should speak to your community midwife to arrange this for you.​

If you have any in-depth questions or queries about birth or your birth choices, please discuss this further with your midwife or consultant. The midwife can book longer appointment slots to accommodate these birth questions and can explain what your options are in more detail. Examples of the information you may wish to be given or ask about may include your pain relief options, what to pack in your hospital bag, who you would like to reveal the gender of your baby (known or not known), delayed cord clamping or who you would like to cut the cord and the length of time you may choose/wish/be advised to stay in hospital after delivery amongst many other queries.

Remember it’s your choice - healthcare professionals should provide you with all the information to enable you to give informed consent and make the best decision for you and your partner. 

Tip: If you think of any questions you would like to ask in the interim of your appointments with your midwife or consultant, make a note of them on your phone or partner's phone so you can discuss them at your next appointment (“baby brain is a thing”).


Where can I get information on safe sleep?

We’d recommend The Lullaby Trust.


How do I arrange maternity allowance/payment? 

Information can be found here: and


Are baby classes expensive?

The Island offers a wide range of baby classes and activities to suit all budgets. 


Can I go to Breastfeeding Buddies if I don't breastfeed?

Yes, the name is just a bit misleading. It’s a great place to chat to the Infant Feeding Team, meet other mums and you even get a free cup of tea or coffee! 


I think my baby might have a tongue tie, are there any private services to check this?

Yes, at


Where is the best place to park for a Douglas Prom walk?

We’d recommend parking at The Terminus end (opposite end to The Sea Terminal) as it’s a disc zone for 16hrs, so you have plenty of time to go for a walk, grab a coffee, feed, change the baby or whatever you need to get done. 


Where can I find information about local childminders? 

Information and Inspection reports can be found here. 


Are there parent spaces at the Victoria Road Tesco?

Yes, they are hiding behind the petrol station. 


Key Numbers â€‹

Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit - 01624 650024 

The Jane Crookall Maternity Unit -  01624 650030  

Community Midwives -  01624 650327

Infant Feeding Team - 01624 811837 

MEDS - 01624 650355 

Helpful Links/Resources

Isle of Man Government - Jane Crookall Maternity Unit 

The Jane Crookall Maternity Unit - Facebook

Tommy’s Charity

Spinning Babies

Lullaby Trust

Asthma information 

Eczema Information

Allergy Information and 

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