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Real Advice from Real Mums - Part One

Becoming a mum for the first time is a life-changing experience filled with joy, exhaustion, and uncertainty. While books and online guides can offer plenty of advice, sometimes the best wisdom comes from those who've been there—other mums. 

So, we’ve gathered insights from a group of experienced mothers who know firsthand what it’s like to navigate the ups and downs of new motherhood. From practical tips on handling sleepless nights to emotional support for the overwhelming moments, their advice is both relatable and reassuring, helping new mums feel more confident as they embark on this beautiful journey.

Vanessa, Bianca’s mummy. 

Top tip: Trust Your Instincts: No one knows your baby better than you do. While advice is helpful, don’t feel pressured to follow every piece of it. Trust your gut when it comes to making decisions. You’ve got this! 

Erin, Harvey and Violet’s mummy.

Top tip: You can’t spoil your baby. Hold and cuddle them as much as you can and want. 

Laura, Sophia’s mummy. 

Top tip: Classic baby items are all well and good, but my most used item postpartum (especially after a c-section) was a robot hoover! Invest in a cheaper end one from Amazon and it will be a lifesaver for last minute visits and c-section recovery. 

Elissa, Lawrence’s mummy.

Top tip: Take no notice of unsolicited and unwanted advice. 

Lauren, Arthur’s mummy.

Top tip: Trust your gut when it comes to your baby, you know them better than anyone else. Also, always ask for help when you need it. I felt I could do everything on my own at first and often felt so overwhelmed but once I asked for help I felt so much better. 

Kay, Jacob and Maeve’s mummy. 

Top tip: Don’t worry if nothing goes to plan. Things like the birth, breastfeeding, getting out of the house on time. Take time for yourself and remember you are doing an amazing job! 

Annabell, Ottilie’s mummy.

Top tip: Every mum and every baby is different, and you just have to do things the way that is most comfortable for you and your little one. Going at the right pace for both of you takes the pressure off yourself. 

Jess, Olive’s mummy.

Top tip: As hard as it can be, try to not put too much pressure on yourself and remember every baby is different. We all sat, crawled and walked at different times and you wouldn’t know by looking at us, just enjoy the moment because it goes so quickly.

Amy, Elliott’s mummy.

Top tip: Remember that time goes so fast and everything is just a phase so nothing lasts forever. Do what you need to (obviously within reason and keep the baby safe) to get through the hard times knowing it will end and don’t feel guilty prioritising soaking up the good, you’ll never look back and regret it. 

Sarah, Arthur’s mummy. 

Top tip: Don’t let your phone override your instinct. It’s easy to spend too much time tracking as opposed to just enjoying it. 

Charlotte, Hattie and Teddy’s mummy.

Top tip: Don’t expect, don’t compare. Easier said than done, but try and remember each child is unique, they develop and reach milestones at their own pace. Just try and enjoy every little change that occurs, each one will fill you with pride. Just as important, take some time for yourself, a minute, an hour and never worry about asking for help, if you don’t already have a village to help - build one yourself. 

Abby, Henry’s mummy.

Top tip: Even when you’re sleep deprived, remember that you and your partner are a team. It’s not you against the other, it’s your team against the problem or situation. Also, everything said when sleep deprived at 2am is nonsense, don’t take it personally! 

Amy, Nina’s mummy.

Top tip: Once you’ve been through the first couple of weeks of the most magical but tiring weeks of your life - get out (if you can) and find your mum tribe and use them in your best and weakest moments. 

This collective wisdom offers a reminder that while motherhood is challenging, you're not alone—and you’re doing an amazing job! 

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